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The Home Builders Association of Southeast Texas (HBASET)is a voluntary trade organization representing all segments of the residential building industry. Through training, education and active participation in the legislative and regulatory process, our organization works in conjunction with members and city officials and leaders to make membership an essential element of a successful building industry company.

We are not a regulatory agency. The Home Builders Association of Southeast Texas is governed by a Board of Directors elected by members, and the board directs the policies and operations of the association in accordance with its bylaws. The policies and bylaws of the HBASET do not include any formal or informal process to settle disputes or complaints against industry members. However, those experiencing difficulties with home construction projects are welcome to share their experience with the HBASET in order to help guide future training and educational efforts. Contact HBASET at


With the assistance of TAB, NAHB and other resources, the HBASET has developed a "Flood Relief Guide" for residents affected by Hurricane Harvey to utilize. This guide has been designed to help homeowners find key information and resources to assist them in their recovery efforts involving their homes.  It is a great resource. Please feel free to distribute to anyone you know that has been affected by this tragedy. Click here to access the Flood Relief Guide

Searching for a Builder or Remodeler

Click here to search the Home Builders Association of Southeast membership data base for a builder/remodeler in your area.


Searching for Volunteer Opportunities

Looking to  help homeowners devastated by Hurricane Harvey, click Samaritans Purse for volunteer opportunities surrounding the impacted areas. Samaritan’s Purse mobilizes staff and equipment and enlists thousands of volunteers to provide emergency aid to victims of tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires, floods, and other natural disasters in the United States. They are looking for an army of volunteers—as many as 1,000 a day.


Selecting a Qualified Contractor
Here are a few important guidelines to help you select a competent contractor:



  1. Rule of thumb, get a minimum of 3 estimates



  1. How long have you been in the building business?

  2. What type of insurance do you carry? 

  3. What’s the best was to communicate with you?



  1. Do I see myself working and communicating with this contractor?

  2. What is my gut telling me?



  1. Your local Better Business Bureau will know about 

  2. Ask about complains filed against the contractor

  3. Check BBB rating with standing within the community


ASK FOR REFERENCES (and then follow-up!)

  1. Get a minimum of 3 references from past customers

  2. Call each reference

  3. Contact or visit your town code inspector. Some Texas cities require that builders are registered and bonded. Check with your city’s building permits department in this regard. These officials will also know how many projects they’ve inspected. They will also know how many projects they’ve inspected for the contractor and, possibly, the subs they’ve used for projects. 



  1. The contract should include these 4 things: 

  2. A description of how change orders are processed

  3. Warranty 

  4. Payment Schedule

  5. DO NOT pay for the entire job up front or pay in cash.  In fact, state law prohibits contractors in disaster areas from taking up front money unless they have held a physical business address in the county or adjacent county for at least one year. This law, found in Chapter 58 of the Texas Business and Commerce Code, provides other valuable protections for those rebuilding in disaster areas.

5.  Completion date


The contract should include these 3 things: 

  1. Get References

  2. Have a Contract

  3. Do Not Pay Upfront


Federal Resources:

Disaster Assistance Portal
The goal of the Disaster Assistance Improvement Program is to improve access to disaster information and make applying for disaster assistance easier. This is not just the beginning of the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA’s) grant process, but it is also the gatekeeper for assistance from the federal government. For business owners, that assistance will include SBA disaster loans which will be available. Individuals and businesses must register to secure resources. This is an important step of the recovery process that is not well understood.


FEMA, under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), acts as the managing partner. The site allows you to find disaster assistance that meets individual needs, learn more about the 70 forms of assistance from 17 federal agencies, apply and determine status for disaster assistance and reduce applications required, identify a FEMA Disaster Recovery Center, locate a hotel or temporary place to live, find food and nutrition programs, apply for change of address, and learn more about SBA loans for homeowners, renters, and businesses.



State & National Resources

The following information may be helpful to anyone who suffered a loss as a result of natural disasters.



If your insurance policy information has been lost, the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) can help you locate your agent or insurance company. Call TDI’s Consumer Help Line at (800) 252-3439 for assistance.

To talk to a professional who can help you cope with emotional distress from the storm, call the Disaster Distress Line at 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746.


Building In Texas

While the State of Texas does not require contractors to be licensed, builders should check with the applicable city, county and/or Homeowner Association regarding any local regulations regarding contractor oversight.  Additionally, contractors should note that many trades are regulated by the State of Texas and/or local authorities.  These include the following (note that this is not an exhaustive list):



Furthermore, Texas law prohibits certain contractors in disaster areas from taking up-front money unless they have held a physical business address in the county or adjacent county for at least one year. This law, found in Chapter 58 of the Texas Business and Commerce Code, provides other valuable protections for those rebuilding in disaster areas.


Regarding building codes, municipalities administer strict oversight over new construction and remodels, and every county in Texas has the authority to mandate that all homes be built to code and pass independent third-party code inspections.  In order for construction to be eligible for coverage through the Texas Windstorm Association, construction must be certified to conform with the state windstorm building code requirements:


Choose a Professional When Building Your New Home

Anyone interested in buying a new home wants to find a quality house built by a professional. While professionalism may mean different things to different people, generally there are guiding principles by which home building professionals conduct business. Look for these qualities in any home builder you choose to build your dream home.


  • Building professionals believe that homes should be well designed, well constructed and well located in attractive communities with accessible educational, recreational, religious and shopping facilities.

  • They feel a strong responsibility to their customers and their community.

  • Honesty is their guiding business policy, and they believe in dealing fairly with their customers, employees, subcontractors and suppliers.

  • They try to build high standards of health, safety and sanitation into every home.


An important indicator of professionalism is whether or not the builder or contractor belongs to a home builder association or other professional organization. Becoming a dues paying member of a building industry association typically means that a builder is an established member of the community. Builder associations encourage their members to research and develop new materials, building techniques and equipment, and improve methods of home financing so that home buyers receive the greatest possible value for their money.


Home builder associations and their members care about their industry and building a quality product that will serve the homeowner and community for years to come. The quality of a new home will in large measure be determined by the skill of the building professional that constructs it. You should evaluate your builder as carefully as you would select the options and features of your new home. When you buy a new home, you are purchasing more than just a structure-you are buying a package of services, and the quality of those services will have an important effect on your enjoyment of the house.


You will communicate frequently with your builder during and after the construction process, so choose a builder with whom you will feel comfortable working and you feel best understands your needs.


One of the best ways to find out about the professionalism of a builder is to ask previous customers. Visit some of the builder’s previous communities and ask homeowners about their experiences. By doing your homework, you will be able to shop for a home with a sense of confidence and the knowledge that will help you to make the correct decision for your family.


For many people, buying a new home will be the single largest purchase you’ll ever make. Make sure that you protect that investment by buying your dream home from a qualified professional builder. 


Energy Efficiency

Where can you go for energy efficiency rebates and incentives? How can you save money and waste less? The state’s official site has useful information about energy-smart ideas and incentives.


Construction Concern/Defect Resolution Tips

Homes, like all structures built for human occupancy, are assembled on site, by hand, from the ground upward in the elements of nature by scores of construction professionals. As such, situations develop and questions arise involving the construction methods, practices, materials and techniques used to complete the project. Each construction issue and circumstance is different and often involves a myriad of building codes, municipal ordinances, Texas laws and federal regulations.


When questions or situations arise, it is important to discuss those promptly and directly with the home builder. The home builder’s insight and expertise about the project can lead to quick resolution, provided that clear communication is established. Contact with the home builder should be done as soon as the issue becomes known especially issues involving the home’s plumbing system, electrical system, roofing and structural components. It is important to all involved in the construction process that homeowners with construction questions or experiencing what they perceive to be construction defects contact the home builder in writing and by telephone to fully describe the issue.

Homeowners that have unresolved questions or concerns about their home’s construction can pursue other avenues to have their concerns addressed. Click here for suggested avenues for homeowners to take. 


What Homeowners Need to Know About Lead Paint

If you live in a home built before 1978 and you're contemplating any work that will disturb more than six square feet of painted surfaces inside the home or 20 square feet on the exterior of the home - for example, replacing a window, installing cabinets, or adding on to your home - the contractor you hire is required by law to be trained and certified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).



Keep your family safe from the dangers of lead exposure by hiring an EPA Lead-Safe Certified Renovator. Call your local home builders' association for a list of certified remodelers or use the tool at to find one near you.


Office of the Public Utility Counsel (OPUC)

The Office of Public Utility Counsel (OPUC) represents residential and small business consumer interests involving any utility regulated by the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC). 



Economic Benefits of New Home Construction

The National Association of Home Builders estimates that three jobs are created for each new single-family home that is built, with about half being in the construction industry and the rest in other industries that are needed to outfit and sell a home such as furniture, appliances, textiles, loan officers and lawyers. A total of $90,000 in government revenue is generated — $67,000 in federal taxes and $23,000 in state and local taxes. Find out more about the economic benefits of new home construction.


A newly-constructed home or condominium offers outstanding benefits to the homeowner as well as to the community. The energy-efficient features that are often included in new homes such as tankless water heaters, ENERGY STAR appliances and HVAC systems make the home more comfortable and can save the home owners significant money over the long term.


What is CSST? Find out more about CSST safety.

Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing (CSST) is a flexible, stainless steel pipe used to supply natural gas and propane in residential, commercial and industrial structures. Coated with a yellow, or in some cases, a black exterior plastic coating, CSST is usually routed beneath, through and alongside floor joists in your basement, inside interior wall cavities and on top of ceiling joists in attic spaces. Link to a CSST Safety website from the National Association of State Fire Marshals (NASFM) and watch the Texas State Fire Officials Public Service Announcement.


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